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Julie Dick's Profile


Julie Dick

Fifth Grade

profile pic

Contact Info:


Work Phone:

(785) 582-4925

Conference Times:

8:50-9:10 a.m.

About Me

Educational History:

I graduated from Silver Lake High School in 1983.

I attended Kansas State University and recieved my Bachelor's Degree and two Master's.

Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor's of Science Elementary Education 

Master of Science Special Education

Master of Science in Reading/Language Arts

Professional Development:

CITW (Classroom Instruction That Works)

Kagan Cooperative Learning

Current Position:

I completed 25 years of teaching at the end of the 2014 school year.

I taught special education at Rossville Grade School before moving to Silver Lake.

I currently have taught 11 years at Silver Lake Grade Elementary in 5th grade.

I am currently responsible for teaching reading, language arts, and social studies.

Previous Position:

I taught Special Education for district #321 at Rossville Grade School for 14 years before moving to Silver Lake Elementary.

Family Information:

I was married to Kevin Dick in May of 1996. We do not have any children, but have had a niece, nephew, and many cousins graduate from Silver Lake.

I have a blue heeler dog named "Dog"!

Julie Dick

Upcoming Events

Contact Julie Dick

School Phone:
(785) 582-4925
Conference Time:
8:50-9:10 a.m.